Saturday 15 June 2024

April showers... in June!

We have had April weather today - heavy downpours and then bouts of brilliant sunshine, with the odd thunderstorm thrown into the mix!

I went to see my Dad this morning as we are going to Southampton to see Mike and Abbie tomorrow. I gave him his gifts - a new shirt and a bottle of wine - and stayed to chat. When I came out it was pouring again! I think I'll start researching how to build an ark!

Back home, Sophie had hoovered and was getting ready to see Vikesh. He was bringing Greek wraps around for us for lunch, and then they were going to brave the weather and walk to the pub. Our village has an Open Garden event on today and luckily it didn't start until 2pm, as we had a terrific thunderstorm at about 1pm that sent Mooney scuttling back into the house!

I sat with Vikesh and Sophie while we ate our wraps which were stuffed with chicken and salad and then waved them off. By now, the sun had come out and it was beautiful! I spent the afternoon trying to get my "Holiday Book" finished. I'm hoping it will be something lovely for my parents to look at and remember the fabulous holidays we went on, and I just need to upload it to a book publishing site.

Sophie came back and relaxed upstairs before coming down and making us delicious Negronis with the last of the Gin. We played cards and Sophie made a delicious dinner of beef stroganoff, served with rice and garlic bread. The wine we enjoyed, a Cotes du Rhone that we'd bought in Vacqueyras, was gorgeous which is always the case when you can't get another bottle easily!

Keith and I watched the golf all evening and I had plenty of glimpses of my favourite player, Bryson de Chambeau. He was playing very well, too!

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