Tuesday 4 June 2024

Getting organised!

Today has been uneventful although I did manage to get another couple of weeks of the playscheme on the system as we're starting to receive enquiries from parents who want to get organised for the summer holidays! I can hardly believe I'm saying this, but they will be upon us before we know it, and then it'll be September... and then Christmas will rear its ugly head! How can we be halfway through the year already!

It was lovely to go home and look forward to a lie-in tomorrow. Sophie is going to a llama farm tomorrow with her work colleagues but will pop to the gym first. I intend to go back to sleep!

Sophie had had a stressful day at work so we sat in the kitchen and chatted over a drink, and she made dinner which was an easy one - grilled hot dogs, salad and potato wedges. Simple but delicious!

It's been colder tonight, with dark grey skies and the chance of a heavy shower. I have a feeling we may have a wet and breezy summer this year, but I could be wrong!

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