Monday 24 June 2024

Gomes AWOL...

Two hours of my shift were taken up with a meeting at work this morning. We gathered in the beautifully cool function area upstairs, and did some team exercises, including a fiendishly difficult riddle set by Einstein, apparently! It was good to put faces to names as people from other centres were there as well.

Poor Sara had been covering while we were away, and answering the phones on her own. Because of the meeting, the afternoon passed in a blur and it was great to escape out into the heat at 4pm. I was glad I'd taken the VW as I could put the aircon on full blast!

We haven't seen Gomez since yesterday morning and he didn't come home last night, as far as we were aware. We leave the conservatory door open for the cats to come and go during the day and lock our double doors at night so he would still be able to get in while we're asleep. We're not panicking just yet, but it would be great to see him come home!

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