Tuesday 25 June 2024

Walking the cat!

It's been a hot one today with temperatures in the high 20s! Our office was quite cool because of the number of fans we had blowing so it was comfortable working. At 4pm I got into the car and the temperature registered 35c! Not an accurate reading I know, but bloomin' hot!

Sophie also finished at 4pm today and we decided to walk around the estate and call out for Gomez. Keith said he hadn't seen him at all today, so we were worried, especially as it was so warm. Mooney came with us because we were shouting "Gomey-grubs" and I think he really enjoyed it, miaowing loudly but not coming any further than the middle green.

It's amazing how much greenery and shrubbery we have on the estate, perfect places for cats to hide and keep out of the sun. We saw black feathers on the middle green so it looked like a bird had been killed there. We have another notorious cat wanderer nearby called Kinks who regularly goes missing, much to the despair of his owners!

Mooney re-joined us and accompanied us up to the top green where Sophie took several pics of him in amongst the clover and daisies. He was having the time of his life, rolling around and flattening the grass!

One happy cat!

Back home Mooney disappeared back into the cool of the garden, and Sophie put another application of colour onto her hair. It now really is a rich red!

We had a meal of cold meats and salad and settled down to watch the England game at 8pm. They were playing Slovenia but were guaranteed a place in the next leg of the tournament. This was good because the match was a dire 0-0 draw and there was more shouting and swearing from Keith!

Sophie and I, along with Moon Bums, went for another circuit of the estate and this time Mooney came with us for the whole way. He really loved it so it's something we may do regularly, as in days of old! There was no sign of the Gomes even though we shouted and shouted for him. He really is a little devil!

It was hot upstairs this evening and uncomfortable, but I was snoozing when Sophie woke me up to say Gomez was home at last! He ate two full pouches of food and some biscuits and had a cuddle with Sophie. We were all so relieved! I doubt, however, that it will be the last time!

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