Saturday 22 June 2024

A fabulous day!

Sophie had booked an appointment at Steffan's Jewellers today to have her ears pierced, so we decided to head over to the town, do a little shopping and have lunch in a Thai restaurant. The morning started grey and cloudy, but as we drove towards Market Harborough, the sun came out.

We parked near the covered market today and headed to Waterstones first, where Sophie bought two novels and I noted down the titles of two more! There was a young traders' market taking place and Sophie spotted a beautiful silver ring which fitted on her thumb. She was delighted! We popped into several charity shops and Sophie found two exquisite little glasses, a dress and a pair of jeans. Another good haul today!

By 1pm, we were more than ready for lunch and walked to The Little Thai restaurant on the main high street. Two other tables were occupied and we took our seats and looked at the lunchtime menu. I chose the Thai Yellow curry with a side order of satay chicken, while Sophie opted for the Massamun curry with spring rolls. We shared a large bottle of Chang beer and munched on delicious prawn crackers while we waited for our food.

The food was utterly delicious and I've come to realise I love the flavours of Thai food. My curry was full of chicken, onions and potatoes in a gorgeous curry sauce of coconut. Mmmm! My chicken satay was equally good and served with peanut sauce. Sophie also loved her dish and we said we'd definitely be back again! We even found room for puds - vanilla cheesecake for Sophie and banana fritters for me. Yum! The bill came to a reasonable £60 with a tip included.

We walked the short distance to Steffan's and waited while two little girls were having their ears pierced. We chatted with the young lad who was working on the counter and he gave Sophie prices for studs. They started at about £40 but she had been looking at ones that were over £90! They were tiny! As she wanted two piercings, it was looking a bit expensive!

Finally, the little two girls had their ears pierced and the mum was happy. Sophie took a seat on a high chair and chatted to the woman carrying out the piercing. She was dubious that Sophie had room on her ears for two, so they settled for just one extra piercing. I sat on a comfortable seat with wedding rings spread out before me and we were offered a glass of Prosecco. I declined but Sophie enjoyed a glass after her ears had been pierced. She said it hadn't hurt at all and things have definitely moved on from when I had mine done decades ago! The staff had been great and very friendly and welcoming so it was a lovely experience.

We had a look in the PDSA charity shop and then decided to have one last peek in The Attic before going home. However, the shop was closed so we ended up in Duncan's shop for a wine tasting! We were in there for almost an hour and tried a white, a Rosé and an Italian Syrah. We chatted with Megan as Duncan was busy with other customers, and she said that business had been tough this year, mainly due to Brexit and the cost of living crisis. We had a look at the wines, bought two bottles of beer and a cider as gifts for the men, and Sophie tasted an "Aperol" Spritz made from an Italian Vermouth which she said was delicious. We also had a good chat with Duncan and I reminded him that I'd worked for him over twenty years ago! Where had the time gone?!

We also discussed whiskies and Duncan said a new distillery had opened on Skye, in the south of the island, whereas Talisker is in the north. Maybe, next time we visit I'll have a sample of a good Scottish dram!

As we'd paid for parking until 4pm, we hurriedly paid for our purchases and staggered off back to the car. It was still beautifully warm and sunny, and driving through our gorgeous countryside was wonderful. We took the scenic route and enjoyed seeing swathes of bright red poppies growing in the fields amongst the crops. Back home, I have to confess to having a nap on the bed with Sophie and a sleepy Gomez curled up between us. Heaven!

Keith enticed us downstairs and we played cards before retiring to the living room to watch the last half of Bridget Jones, and then continuing with Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason. Sophie and I had a cocktail (well, she had three while I moved on to wine) and some nibbles. After the film, we watched two hours of Fleetwood Mac in concert in Boston, and then some of the music festival coming from the Isle of Wight. Sophie was very merry and danced around the living room singing her head off. It had been a very good day!

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