Thursday 27 June 2024

The heat if off!

The heat was supposed to wane a bit today, and it was cooler in the afternoon. I drove home and spent the afternoon doing admin chores, such as paying the council for my parents' care. The council is now, thankfully, sending me regular invoices, which is a relief! My parents have no idea what goes on with their finances, and there's no point explaining to them, which is sad. As they both ran successful businesses, I never thought I would see them so out of touch.

After I saw an urgent appeal on our Facebook page for crisp bags, I decided to sort out some carrier bags that Sophie had brought home from work. They can now go to the soft plastic recycling at most of the supermarkets, but our local charity, ROAR!, collects them and sends them to Terracycle and gets paid by weight. The money then goes to two local charities. I had no idea how many crisps bags we had but after half-filling a large box, I began to wish I'd never embarked on the exercise! Keith came out to help me and he soon began to get fed up as we unfolded several million crisp bags to pack them into the box! The fact that they were filled with the detritus of crisps and even a tissue - yuk! - didn't help! I was mightily glad when we finished and I could sweep up the crisps that had escaped!

It was definitely cooler in the evening, and the temperature went from 81f in the kitchen to a more acceptable 73c! Keith barbecued this evening, but instead of a lovely summer evening sky, we had some clouds high above us, so that was typical!

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