Monday 1 July 2024

A painful decision

Sara is off all this week so I am in charge of emails, and it took me all day to deal with them. We also had lots of cancellation emails, and it's the time of year when we get a fair few as people decide to exercise outdoors or travel. Many of our students also return home, making my day very busy as I deal with the enquiries.

Yesterday I made the painful decision to sell my  Audi, so I had to take my private registration plate off the car and pay £80 for the privilege! On Wednesday, Keith and I will go and buy new plates (it reverted back to the registration that was on the car when I bought it) and I felt really sad. However, the car has done over 185,000 miles and I'm a little worried about a seatbelt or airbag light that's come on the instrument panel. I don't know why I get so attached to cars, but I do, and I've owned my A4 since 2013, so a long time. Nothing lasts forever!

Wimbledon started today and the Tour de France kicked off yesterday so plenty is going on this week as the football continues. I won't mention the election looming on Thursday... this is a politics-free zone!

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