Wednesday 12 June 2024

A spot of gardening

This morning was spent pootling about and catching up with jobs, as is usual on a Wednesday. It was good to have a little lie-in and a relaxing morning. I did manage to get out into the garden and cut the grass as we had a spell of dry weather! I put more grass seed down and pottered about weeding and tidying everything up. The countryside is looking so green because of the rainfall we've had lately. All the verges have long grass and everything is growing so quickly!

In the afternoon I collected Mum and we popped into Tesco. We enjoyed a coffee first and then she bought some toiletries while I chose gifts for Dad and Keith, from Sophie. The supermarket was very quiet indeed, which was a bonus. I'm glad  I hadn't left buying gifts until Saturday!

I dropped Mum off and returned home to help Keith with the shopping list and do the usual chores. It was great when Sophie arrived home and we could relax and watch another episode of Come Dine With Me!

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