Sunday 23 June 2024

Rescue mission!

Sophie wanted me to help her colour her hair today, and she'd chosen a rich copper red. Her hair is long and thick and we should really have bought two boxes, as I didn't manage to get the underneath of her hair covered... her hair looked OK, but I could have done a lot better, so we ordered another box from Amazon!

She left at midday to pick up Laura and drive to Woburn for lunch. I'd advised her not to go to Woburn as her car sounded a bit dodgy the other morning when she drove to the gym, and it seemed like the engine was going to fail. We have a "smart" motorway section on the M1 now, so there's no hard shoulder and four lanes of moving traffic. Every now and again, there's a layby for emergency use, and I really didn't want her to travel when I thought the car had a fault. She assured me she would be fine, so I waved her off and just hoped she was right!

I pootled about in the afternoon and Keith and I managed to sit in the sun in the garden for a little while. He had to put up an umbrella for me as the sun was beating down and it was hot! I dealt with mounds and mounds of washing, and dried it on the line in the sunshine so it smelt lovely and fresh!

Towards the late afternoon, I had a long, cool shower and laid on the bed to read with the fan full on! It was then that I had a phone call from Sophie to say her car wouldn't start... I said I would ring her back in five minutes and to try and start it again. She did this, but it still wouldn't start.

I hurriedly dressed and combed my wet hair and went downstairs to tell Keith. Sophie called again to say she'd managed to start the car but I told her to stay where she was and Keith and I would drive over. The last thing I wanted was for the car to conk out on the M1! I was just glad it was a glorious sunny day and Laura was with her!

Keith and I drove over to Woburn on our rescue mission and Keith took little ET back while I followed. This is something I hate doing, but needs must! We'll get the car booked into the garage next week to check it out and get it serviced.

I dropped Laura off at her Mum's house and we returned home to have an Aperol Spritz and a good chat around the island before we started dinner. Keith and I enjoyed a prawn salad for dinner, which was perfect for such a warm evening!

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