Wednesday 26 June 2024

Sleepy cat!

We took Sophie's car to the garage at Moulton this morning, and before we dropped her off at work, we called into Café 900 for a coffee. It was a gorgeously sunny morning, and the heat was already building. Other office workers were queuing for hot drinks before they started work, and I chose a sausage bap for breakfast.

At 9am, we waved goodbye to Sophie, put some petrol in the VW, and Keith popped into Aldi for some lager. We drove home, and I did all my chores early because I was taking Mum to have her nails done in the afternoon. I was dreading the garage calling at the same time, as it would have been so inconvenient!

Luckily, Glen called at midday, and we picked up the car and dropped it at Sophie's office. He said he'd serviced it, but there was a problem with something (I didn't really understand) and that it would be fine for a while. As we are definitely thinking of getting Sophie a new car, this was reassuring.

We came home, I had lunch, and we reworked our shopping list to help Keith navigate the supermarkets more easily. The Gomes made an appearance and wanted to sleep on our bed, which was fine with me. He must have been shattered by his recent antics!

I collected Mum at 2.30pm (she was waiting for me!) and we drove over to Northampton. The temperature was hovering around 29c but the car was lovely and cool with the air-conditioning on. Mum had her nails painted a pretty pink today and we were all finished by 4pm. I dropped her back off and went home to relax, so pleased I'd done all of the hated chores this morning!

Gomez was still inside and ate a full pouch of food before disappearing back upstairs again! I do wonder whether he'd been locked inside somewhere -  maybe a shed or garage? Whatever, we were so glad he was back!

Keith and I played cards in the kitchen and it felt so warm! The temperature was showing 80f and I felt sticky and uncomfortable. Keith thrashed me while Sophie prepared a delicious paella for dinner. It was almost too hot to eat!

After dinner, Sophie and I walked up to the top green with Mooney again who had a mad time with a pigeon feather and kept chasing butterflies. We left Gomez snoozing... he really must be exhausted!

When we got back, we kept both of them inside for the night! I don't think I could handle any more drama!

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