Wednesday 5 June 2024

A little spark!

Sophie went to the gym this morning but left a bit earlier to make her way to a llama farm near Towcester for a work team-building day! When she arrived she Facetimed me and showed me a couple of llamas in the fields! They looked lovely!

Keith and I went out this morning to run a few long overdue errands. I dropped off a parcel at Brixworth Library that I'd originally arranged to have collected by the Evri courier, and we went to get the VW washed and filled up with petrol. We also solved the problem with the tyre pressure icon lit up on the dashboard since our trip up north in February. I just went onto the car settings, confirmed the tyre pressures were correct and it disappeared! Keith was talking about taking the car to the VW garage and getting it fixed! I'm glad we didn't!

After getting the car washed we drove to the Co-op at Moulton and I dropped off four bags of Tassimo pods. I'm glad we can recycle them, but it's a pain having to drop them off at the stores that arrange Yodel deliveries. While we were in the Co-op, a young lad from the local school was caught shoplifting and the staff certainly didn't hold back when they found out. As the shop was full of students on exam leave, I think he was well and truly embarrassed, the idiot!

We returned home and I spent the rest of the afternoon pootling about doing more jobs in the house. I prepared a heap of vegetables for a Bolognese sauce and managed to blow the fuse in the blender because I put too many in for it to cope with. I noticed a burning smell and then Keith saw a blue spark! I thought I had killed it completely but Keith managed to fix it with a new fuse, thank goodness! It was only the third time we'd used it!

I put the Bolognese sauce on to cook slowly all afternoon and we tackled the dreaded shopping list. I also managed to write the blog, prepare the porridge for breakfast tomorrow, and hoover downstairs. Sophie had texted me throughout the day but said that the signal was terrible. She'd been for a walk with the llamas, had a lovely lunch and taken part in team-building exercises all afternoon so she was a bit weary when she arrived home!

We sat and chatted in the kitchen and she made garlic bread to go with the spaghetti Bolognese, which was lovely!

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