Saturday 8 June 2024


I woke up at about 8am this morning, but managed to fall asleep again! I had had two late nights, so that's my excuse! Sophie had an appointment at the beauty salon at 10am, so I said I'd go with her and drive. She was only in the salon for a few minutes to have a bikini wax, and we left to go back home to have another coffee and breakfast.

On the way, we could see a big, black cloud in the distance and the heavens opened as we drove along the A43. The temperature dropped from about 17c to 11c... brrr! We had sunshine and showers for the rest of the day and it was on the cool side! Not really June weather!

Sophie went out for lunch with Laura and Daisy, and they went to The Telegraph in Moulton, so very local to all three of them. I pootled about and didn't do a lot, except hoover, mop the conservatory and kitchen floors and dust the living room. I also cleaned the windowsills in the conservatory which had little brown spots on them. Is it fly poo? Whatever it was, it was horrible and our sunny room has been taken over by bees, flies and spiders. I expect it's because the door is open all the time to let the cats in and out.

At 3pm Keith and I both sat and watched the Rugby final between Northampton Saints (yay!) and Bath. I have to admit to dozing off in the second half, and I woke up to find that the Saints had won! Yippeee!

Sophie texted me to say she was going straight from the pub to see Vikesh, who is off to Florida tomorrow with his company for a works jamboree, lucky thing! Oh to be in Florida in June! Blue skies and endless sunshine!

Sophie arrived home and we ordered a Chinese takeaway for dinner. Sophie's lunch hadn't been that good - the pub offered just a breakfast/brunch menu when the girls were looking forward to sandwiches and salad. They asked if they could order off the normal menu so Sophie opted for a Caesar salad and chips. Consequently, she was definitely up for a Chinese meal!

The food arrived at 7.15pm and after we'd eaten, I suggested another film on Amazon Prime called The End We Start From. It starred Jodie Comer of Killing Eve, and I'd wanted to see it when it came out in cinemas. I'm glad I only paid £1.99 for it, as it was a bit strange and rather far-fetched in my opinion! Keith had gone upstairs to watch cricket as it definitely wasn't his kind of film!

When it finished, we went back onto normal television to find Skyfall on ITV. It had just got to a dramatic part of the film where Bond rescues Judi Dench from the mad, blond villain, Raoul Silva when we had an almighty shock... The cats had been in all night, which was a bonus, and Gomez wanted to go upstairs. He was closely followed by Mooney and we could hear them chasing each other along the landing and into Sophie's bedroom. Then I heard a loud thud, and Sophie screamed as she saw one of the cats flying past the living room window... he had obviously jumped or had fallen out of Sophie's open bedroom window.

We went running outside and Sophie was screaming and crying, but we didn't know which cat it was... I expected one of two things, to be honest... either a dead cat under the bushes or one who was injured after a fall like that. Sophie was sobbing her heart out, but then she spotted Mooney in the hallway. I took her phone and started scrabbling about in the bushes using the torch and trying to see if Gomez was injured. It was then that she spotted him coming down the driveway as if nothing had happened! The relief was enormous! 

He wouldn't come anywhere near us and disappeared into the bushes opposite, which made me worry that he was hurt internally. However, after a while, he appeared again and seemed to be absolutely fine. We had great difficulty getting him in as he kept coming near us and then having a mad minute and running away. I dread to think what the neighbours thought we were up to as it was now almost 11pm!

Eventually, Sophie managed to grab him and brought him into the house where we checked him all over. He was fine, thank goodness, but Sophie said she'll never get the sight of him flying past the window, legs outstretched and tail aloft, out of her mind! He's now been renamed, "Catman!"

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