Tuesday 18 June 2024

Hunter Mooney

My morning didn't get off to a good start when Mooney dashed into the kitchen with a live bird just as I was heating up my porridge. He ran into the living room with it, and it was still alive! Keith managed to catch it and put it outside, but I fear that the shock probably killed it. Mooney let out a series of deep-throated yowls as he kept looking for it! We thought that Gomez would be the better of the two at hunting, but Mooney has caught far more.

Work was more stressful today because of visitors in the office, and the noise level was a lot higher. It was bliss to get home and relax! Sophie went out for a meal straight from work with a couple of colleagues, so Keith and I sat in the kitchen and played cards before dinner. He told me that Mooney had caught another bird later in the day and was playing with it in the garden. I noticed blue tits feeding their young in our gravel garden this evening so I hope they'll stay safe.

Sophie came home at about 8pm and we sat and chatted while Keith watched yet another football match!

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