Friday 25 August 2023

Special wine night!

 After a good night's sleep, I felt a lot better this morning, plus it was cooler. It was a good job I felt more energetic as I managed to achieve a lot today! I had a whole load of films to input into the system up until October, I answered all the emails and put on the playscheme places, also for the October half-term week. I just need to put on the swim camps for October and then I won't have to worry when I return at the end of September!

It was blissfully good to leave at 4pm and look forward to a long weekend, as I'm not working on Monday! Hooray! Tonight was a special wine night - our Champagne and snacks evening, which we are going to enjoy on the first Friday after Sophie gets paid. Yipppeee!

Keith had bought us the Aldi Champagne, which is delicious, and disappeared very quickly! We also feasted on little satay chicken sticks, tiny blue cheese cubes, which were gorgeous, and cheese straws. Phew! We watched a new Netflix documentary about an Anthrax outbreak in the US just after 9/11, but the sky outside was a little more interesting, to be honest, and I'm sure at one point we heard thunder.

Keith didn't go to the pub tonight, and he cooked chilli con Carne for dinner. The Champagne had long gone so we opened a bottle of Malbec and sipped that with dinner. After we'd eaten, we watched the Athletics Championships from Budapest, which we enjoyed very much!

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