Monday 7 August 2023

A quiet Monday

Sara had taken today off so I was kept busy with emails and the start of the moan report. We had a rush of calls first thing, but it's definitely quieter than the previous school holidays. In the past, I remember lots of calls waiting as people rang up to book swimming sessions but these have all stopped. It's amazing what a difference it makes!

Not a lot of note has happened today. I did some housework when I returned home which kept me busy, and the house looked lovely when Sophie arrived back from work. 

Dinner tonight was OK, but the bubble and squeak was a bit gloopy... Keith had added mashed potato to the mix which is never a good idea as it turns to mush. We are still having difficulty choosing meals that we all like, and I will be glad when we go on holiday and eat out!

After dinner, Keith and I watched the last two episodes of TraumaZone, with some upsetting scenes (the warnings, for once, were justified). It was incredibly sad seeing Russian mothers searching for their sons who had been fighting in Chechnya, and I just thought about Mikey and how terrible it must be to not know what happened to your child. 

Sophie started watching the programme with us, but soon fled upstairs. I didn't blame her!

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