Sunday 13 August 2023


To make up for the slothfulness of yesterday, Sophie and I tackled the conservatory this morning. I have honestly never seen so many dead flies and insects in one place when we pulled the sofa away from the wall and looked behind the desk where our printer lives! 

I hoovered, and we decided to change the furniture around so we could open the double doors to the gravel garden. Why is there always so much to do in the house? A ground cover plant - or maybe a weed? - had covered the gravel by the double doors, and although it was pretty with little pink flowers, it had really taken hold, even though we have a membrane under the stones. This part of the garden has gone wild and we never use it, which is such a shame. I would love to clear it, put down some flagstones and have another outdoor seating area here.

I had wanted to sort out all the paperwork in the filing cabinet for ages, so I made a start on that while Sophie prepared the vegetables for tonight's chicken stir fry. She also tackled a huge pile of shredding for me and the kitchen was awash with bits of paper!

I'll be the first to admit I work quite haphazardly, and I think I annoyed Sophie by flitting from one job to another. It's how I am, though, and I get distracted quite easily as she will be the first to tell you! The conservatory was in a right mess as we had piled everything up onto the table, and I decided to put some crystal and old ornaments on Facebook to see if anyone wanted them for free before I took them to the charity shop. Well! You'd thought I had offered gold nuggets as there was a huge clamour for them from our estate and the local village! It was great, though, as I know they'll be going to good homes!

Sophie and I sat down to have some paté and toast for lunch, and she tried to compile the list of meals for the next couple of days. She then accused me of not taking it seriously (I was distracted by all the comments on Facebook) and we had a bit of an argument, which resulted in her flouncing upstairs in a huff. I tidied everywhere and then went and had a shower, with the intention of going to the Co-op in Brixworth as we had no porridge (Keith had forgotten it).

In the end, I didn't go, Sophie and I made up and we played Scrabble. I beat her by over 100 points so I took my revenge that way!

I have to say she cooked a delicious dinner and there were two perfect portions left over for our lunches tomorrow!

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