Sunday 6 August 2023

A sociable day!

Today was supposed to have been almost as bad, weatherwise, as yesterday, but we got away with it, enjoying blue skies, sunshine, and no rain. I pootled about all morning, catching up with jobs and scanning some photos onto the computer. I'd wanted to try and tidy up the garage but gave up, leaving it for a day when I hadn't got to go anywhere. I just wasn't in the mood to go to the tip with all the rubbish!

Sophie went out for lunch with Daisy and Laura to Farndon Fields, and at 2pm, I went to the care home to see Mum and Dad. I bought myself a sandwich in the Co-op as I hadn't had time for lunch. Mum was a bit down today so it wasn't the most cheering of meetings, and I left at 3.30pm to be home at the same time as Sophie.

Vikesh came over to see her and they went to the pub for a drink. The weather said it was going to rain as they set off, so they drove there but we didn't have a drop, just some dark clouds. While they were gone I sat and read all the newspapers and was sitting in exactly the same position when they got back. It was bliss to have a quiet hour and a good read.

Sophie and I played Scrabble and I thrashed my daughter even though she had Vikesh to help her. I used all my tiles on my very first word which definitely gave me a head start! Vikesh kept trying to come up with words that didn't exist, which was hilarious! We drank a beautiful red wine called Pepper Box and it went very well with dinner tonight - beef casserole with a crispy potato topping and lots of vegetables.

There was a lot left over so we've kept it for dinner again tomorrow night, served with bubble and squeak!

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