Monday 22 August 2022

Monday again!

Monday rolls around all too quickly for my liking and it was back to work. We had an informal meeting this morning and Sara went over a few things before asking whether we had anything to say. I think we have all given up on getting a decent pay rise now, but the amount of staff leaving is worrying. We are still having enormous problems with our swimming lessons as we can't find enough instructors, and the DBS checks are taking weeks and weeks to come back. We are receiving several complaints from parents but there's not a lot we can do - we can't magic staff out of the air!

The rest of the day sped by with the usual manic rush first thing. Our swimming sessions at one of our popular pools were fully booked before the phone lines even opened!

At 4pm I drove home and pottered about, sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor before relaxing with the newspaper. Hopefully, with cooler weather predicted for next week, I can get around to giving the house, and in particular, the conservatory, a good clean. It's amazing to think we have had the kitchen for a year now and it's stood up well to the daily onslaught! 

Sophie was out for a meal this evening with her old boss so it was just Keith and me for dinner. We enjoyed prawn salad followed by gooey puds. He went upstairs to watch some football while I indulged in a couple of recorded programmes. What should have been a relaxing evening was spoiled by Monty-cat who was a little devil. He wouldn't settle on the sofa with me and kept prowling around yowling and being a real nuisance, one minute asking to go out and then just looking at me when I opened the door. I wonder if it was because his routine was spoiled by Sophie daring to go out?!

She arrived home far later than she'd intended so it was straight to bed after a quick chat!

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