Wednesday 17 August 2022

A rain hangover!

The rain continued all night, but I didn't hear any thunder. We awoke this morning to grey, heavy skies and a sultry atmosphere. It was like a hangover from the torrential rain!

At 9am, Keith and I drove to Moulton to take my car in for its MOT, and before going home, we popped into Aldi opposite to buy some essentials. It was then home for a late breakfast and coffee.

We had arranged to meet Sophie for lunch at 12pm so the rest of the morning was spent pootling about and getting some jobs completed. We drove down to Brackmills at 12pm and managed to get into the cafe just before a massive queue of people arrived! Good timing!

We enjoyed sandwiches, salad, and a couple of cups of coffee with a brownie for pud. It was great to sit and people-watch and chat, and Sophie's lunch hour passed quickly. We said goodbye and headed over to Kettering to take some clothes back for my Mum, but she was still having lunch so we said we'd go over at the weekend. With her being reluctant to walk now, it means she won't meet me in the reception area, so any visit takes much longer than anticipated. I'm hoping she'll come over to our house this weekend for a cup of tea to get her out!

Back home, I suddenly felt shattered so had a half-hour nap before hoovering and making a batch of banana and chocolate chip muffins. We had two very mushy bananas languishing in the fruit bowl so now they've been turned into delicious muffins!

After dinner, we enjoyed a couple of episodes of My Dream Lottery Home and envied a couple who bought a holiday home in Mexico. The houses looked beautiful!

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