Saturday 21 December 2019

Saturday working

I went to work at 8.30am this morning and did a day's shift on my own. Luckily it wasn't too busy and a lot of the calls were about whether swimming lessons were taking place over the weekend, a question that was easy to answer! My day was enlivened a bit by the various boxes of chocolates and biscuits lying around, so that was enjoyable!

Sophie went to Beckworth to have brunch with a man she'd been talking to on Tinder, so I hoped she would have a good time even though I wasn't sure he was really the one for her! I did get a bit perturbed, though, when she messaged me to say they were going for a walk around the Sywell Country Park after they'd eaten, even though she had confided in me that she didn't find him attractive... I said she was mad to go to the park as there was no path and she hadn't exactly been dressed for a muddy walk in the country!

I think she agreed with me as she then told me she had changed her mind and was heading home instead. I breathed a sigh of relief as the park they were planning to go to is quite remote and never really that busy. It would have been far better to go to Pitsford where there's a proper path!

The rest of my shift passed pleasantly and Sophie picked me up on her way home from going to the gym and popping to the Co-op to get ingredients for a cake she's making tomorrow. She wasn't really in the best of moods as she'd had a bit of a rough day (she'd tried to go to the Weston Favell Shopping centre, but there wasn't a parking space to be had, which didn't help matters) and I think she was a bit disappointed with her brunch date this morning.

However, after a shower, a piece of delicious brownie cake and a stiff drink, she felt a lot better and we settled down to watch The Perfect Man on DVD which was a bit ironic! Dinner tonight was prawn cocktail for Keith and I and a vegan dish for Sophie (Mike and Abbie had gone back to Northampton earlier today) and then we enjoyed Casino Royale whilst indulging in a slice of Black Forest gateau. I'm off tomorrow, back on Monday but then off for three days again! Roll on Christmas!

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