Sunday 15 December 2019

Just pottering...

After a leisurely start to the day, Keith, Sophie and I called to see Mum and Dad this morning for a coffee and a catch up. As soon as I got home I looked at my filthy car and decided I would tackle it if the weather stayed dry!

Laura came to collect Sophie at 1pm as they were off to Beckworth Emporium for lunch. I checked the weather forecast and braced myself for tackling my car, which was the dirtiest I'd ever seen it. We've had so much rain lately and the roads are covered in thick mud coming off the fields. It's horrible!

It took me six buckets of hot soapy water to clean the car and another couple to rinse it off. I was going to tackle Sophie's car as well, but by now I was cold and very damp because I'd sloshed water all over my jeans!

I went inside and tried to get warm and then noticed the weather forecast stating it was going to rain later in the day! Pah!

Sophie and Laura came home at about 4pm and sat drinking non-alcoholic Cava in the conservatory. Monty was a total pain and kept wandering about, one minute asking to go out into the garden and then the next wanting to come back in. He just wouldn't settle and I think it was because Sophie was talking to Laura and not giving him her attention!

I curled up on the sofa and read and then fell asleep for half an hour! Laura stayed until about 7pm and Keith cooked roast lamb for dinner. We had thought Mike would be back this evening but he's staying with Abbie for another night.

The weather forecast was indeed accurate and it poured with rain overnight. Ho hum!

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