Monday 2 December 2019

Monday again!

Monday mornings come around far too quickly for my liking and this morning it was horrible to wake up early and get ready for work. I took myself off while Keith stayed at home as his GP was calling him this morning about the results of a lung function test he had a few weeks ago.

Work was OK, apart from my headset not working again, but luckily I managed to find out the problem and get it sorted. I now rely heavily on this as it's so much easier to have my hands free when I'm typing.

I sped home at 2pm and Keith and I went straight out again to Tesco in Kettering to do some shopping. Keith told me the doctor wants to see him about his lung function in a couple of weeks time, but he was relieved that his cough had gone away. It was a slightly niggling worry but I'm sure if anything was really wrong he would have sent him for a chest x-ray immediately.

We bought dinner for tonight and tomorrow in Tesco and we had a look at the spirits aisle and spotted a "Light" whisky from Whyte and Mackay. It's only 21.5% alcohol compared with 40% for traditional whisky so we thought we'd give it a try!

Back home Keith and I prepared chicken and vegetables for a curry and then it was time to wait for Soph to return and try our new drink! It was definitely lighter than a normal whisky but it had a pleasant smoky aroma and went very well with our ginger ale!

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