Monday 27 August 2018

Bank Holiday pottering...

Unfortunately, even though today was a Bank Holiday, Mike still had to go to work. Keith drove but I went with them just to make sure he was OK driving. He was doing a full day today so at least we had until 2pm to pick him up, rather than go back out again at about 8am!

Sophie went to the gym this morning with her friend, Laurie, and I made a start on the front garden, sweeping away all the leaves and mowing the verge. I think we need a new lawnmower as the wheel kept falling off! It looked a lot better when I'd finished and it's a real sociable way to spend an hour as lots of people were out and about and stopped for a chat!

Sophie came home, hoovered the house for me and we spent the rest of the morning pottering about. After collecting Mike from work I tackled the back garden and mowed the lawn. My compost heap is coming on really well now and has turned a dark brown colour. No matter how much I add to it, it never gets any bigger so the material must be being digested by all the little creepy crawlies that live in it! My aim is to plant up some Spring flowers next year using my compost and the moss I took out of the lawn!

We were going to go to the pub in the evening but the weather today has been a little disappointing with mostly grey skies and it's felt chilly with a brisk wind. Sophie and I had a glass of red wine at home instead and we watched the last episode of Sharp Objects which was very good. I've struggled with this drama but the ending had a real twist!

We made spaghetti bolognese for dinner, but just the three of us sat down to eat. Mike was off with his new friend Georgia, who had driven over from the other side of Northampton to see him. They then (apparently) drove all the way back to Milton Keynes and then she had to drive him back home again later in the evening. It must be love!

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