Monday 6 August 2018

Another Monday!

Work was manically busy first thing this morning and at one point we had nine calls waiting in the queue! One of the other managers had to give us a hand to cope with them and a lot were from parents booking their children onto the swimming courses we hold every week.

It's been another hot day and it was about 29c when I drove to collect Mike from work. He got into the car and looked hot, sweaty and dirty, poor thing! I felt very irritable this afternoon as I had a horrible tummy ache, I was hot myself and we'd been pestered with questions about the items we were selling on ebay! I've loved this warm weather but the heat is really getting to me now! Luckily, the temperatures are set to take a dive in the middle of the week...thank goodness!

I mooched about for the rest of the afternoon and fell asleep on the sofa! It's the heat! Sophie cooked dinner tonight and we enjoyed a delicious paella. Mike brought his mate Brad home but he wouldn't join us for dinner, which was a shame as we had quite a bit left over. Tomorrow, both Mike and Sophie are going to have it for their lunch!

Keith had noticed a pigeon in the garden and it had rings on its legs so we knew it was a homing pigeon. It kept its distance from us, but seemed to enjoy watching what we were doing! I kept calling to it but it stayed up on the roof and only occasionally came down to peck at the food in the garden. When we shut up the conservatory it was still about so we did wonder whether it was going to stay and make itself at home!

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