Tuesday 21 August 2018

A little frustrated!

I lost my temper with Mike this morning as at 5.30am he had fallen asleep again. I get up at 5am, go and feed the cat and make myself a cup of coffee and then it's a constant up and down the stairs making sure he's still awake. Why he can't just get up, I'll never know!

I thought I might go back to bed when we got home, but I didn't as once I'm awake that's it. I pottered around and when Sophie emerged I suggested we go and do a small shop and then I could take her to work. Keith wasn't feeling up to going anywhere because his leg was sore, itchy and burning hot.

We went over to the Weston Favell Centre and bought food for tonight's and tomorrow night's dinners  and while we were queuing up my Mum rang to say she'd fallen over in the Kettering hospital car park and had broken some bones in her hand! I couldn't believe it and feel that we are all cursed at the moment! I said I would call her later and pop around to see her.

From the Weston Favell Centre we drove to Riverside as Sophie wanted to go to Boots to get some eyeliner. I dropped her off at work, went home and had some lunch before it was time to go and get Mike again!

Once Mike was collected, Keith and I went to see my Mum and Dad and they had just arrived home. My Mum had her lower arm and hand in a plaster cast and was wearing a sling that she swiftly took off. She seemed OK and had tripped over in the new multi-storey car park that had dangerous metal struts in between the spaces. We had a cup of tea and a cake and then left to go home where I had a nap for half an hour.

Keith and I went to get Sophie in the evening and as she has an interview in town on Thursday we drove to find out where it was. I have to admit the building didn't look that appealing and it's in a rough area of Northampton with difficult parking! Not the ideal first full-time job for Sophie!

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