Saturday 14 July 2018

Freshening up!

Keith was up early this morning and made a start on painting the porch over our front door. I was trying to watch The Affair but gave up as I felt guilty sitting there while he worked! It was really hot already and Keith was getting the full glare of the sun!

Sophie went off to work and I washed the back door in preparation to paint that as well. We then went to the tip with our old pillows and loads of plastic bottles from Mike's room. Our recycling bin is almost full and it was only emptied last Friday! I just hope it does all go to be recycled and not incinerated as I've been reading in the paper!

When we got home I made a start on the door as Keith had finished the porch but we were plagued with little black thunder flies. They made a beeline for the fresh paint and became stuck in it. Not a good look! However, I had no choice but to carry on and I did both sides of the door which now looks a lot better!

I then cleaned the guttering and soffit over the driveway so the front of the house looks a lot cleaner. At 1pm we watched the hangover of the Men's Wimbledon Semi-Finals from yesterday with Nadal and Djokovic battling it out. I was surprised to see Djokovic win so now he faces a very tall Kevin Anderson in the Final tomorrow. I'm hoping for a good match!

I took Mike to Brixworth and came home to have a shower. Needless to say it's been very hot again today and after my shower I lay on the bed with the fan full on! Sophie came home from work all hot and sweaty as well and after a shower she ordered a Chinese takeaway for us. It's a real treat to have it delivered here as we can hardly get anyone to come out - I sometimes wonder what it must be like to live in a town and have everything on the doorstep!

At about 10.30pm we had a stroll up and down the road outside the house and we were amazed at the noise! I think the pub was having some kind of function as we could hear a live band and a little further down our road, there was a party going on. It was a beautiful still night so the sounds really carried!

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