Monday 30 April 2018

A weary day!

Last night's dinner was OK, and Keith loved it, but Sophie and I found the garlic really strong, for some reason, and Mike wasn't keen at all. We were a bit disheartened but as I said to Sophie, we're going to try new things and some will work while others won't!

This morning it was back to work and I felt really weary. Because the weather had been so horrible over the weekend I felt I hadn't had a weekend at all! I wore the company polo shirt to work today so at least that will save wearing my own tops. It just means I have to change quickly when I get home and before I go to the school!

The time went by very quickly and after a quick chat and a cup of tea with Sophie and Keith, it was off to my second job. We managed to get out into the playground for a short while but it was very cold so we went back inside. The children were in a whiny mood this afternoon and a couple were very naughty so the session wasn't one of the best! The forecast heavy rain never appeared and towards the evening the skies brightened up a bit.

Sophie was out with friends for a meal in the evening so I gave them all a lift into town so they could have a glass of wine. Keith cooked dinner and afterwards went upstairs to watch the football so I had the living room to myself...bliss! I watched the latest episode of The Durrells until Sophie called me to ask me to pick them all up!

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