Friday 20 April 2018

Film night abandoned!

I was on my own today at work so I was kept very busy with answering phone calls and doing some of Sheila's work and the time flew by. Before going home I went and put some petrol in Sophie's car as the light had come the morning, on the way to work, I was worried I'd run out!

Back home I discovered Sophie had hoovered the house for me and Keith had mown the lawn so that was a bonus! At school we started watching a film called Mirror Mirror, but the children were bored and really wanted to play outside so Lisa took them into the playground while I cleared away and mopped the floor. It's been another gorgeous day today with clear blue skies and warm temperatures. The weekend is looking good as well!

The children were all gone by 5.45pm so it was home to have a drink with Sophie and prepare dinner of cold meats, salad and new potatoes. Perfect for this weather!

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