Thursday 19 April 2018

A lovely surprise!

I was back at work this morning and working with Sadie rather than Sue. I had a lot of swimming lesson phone calls again and Sheila came over to show me how to do some work for her, which although complicated at first, was very simple once I got used to it!

We spent the session at the after-school club out in the playground again and I made sure I applied some sun cream before I went! A lot of the children were doing the same which was good although some informed me they had neither hats nor lotion! We gave them their snack in the little shed that's in the playground and it was really very pleasant! Lisa had been offered another job but she's decided to stay and on reflection, it's not a bad place to be as we get paid for all the school holidays and in weather like this it's great to play with the children in the playground!

Back home we decided to sit in the garden before dinner and Keith produced a Vodka and Tonic for me, which was a complete surprise! I was in heaven with the lovely weather, sitting in the garden and looking forward to some more of the same!

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