Friday 24 November 2017

She passed!

It was a very cold and frosty morning and Keith and I were up and out by 7.30am. He was determined to get my tyre sorted out today but had to use the Honda to take Mike to college. He was on a trip down to London and the coach left college at 9.30am so we woke him before we left with dire warnings if he didn't get into the shower straight away!

I still didn't manage to resolve the problem with my loss of earnings today and the office was very noisy as the one of the managers was in and spent almost the whole time cackling like a witch and talking very loudly despite us trying to hear customers on the phone. I have really got to hate this job at the moment and I'm actively looking for something else!

Sophie had her driving test today and was very nervous so I kept her spirits up by texting her and when Keith and I were driving home at 2pm she called to say she'd passed! We were so proud of her because both Keith and I failed our driving tests the first time! Now we just need to sort out an automatic car for her and Keith to share!

Keith had managed to get the puncture in my tyre fixed but unfortunately, somehow, had managed to scrape my front bumper so now I have two deep scratches, which I was really unhappy about. I will definitely have to get it sorted out.

We had film night at the after school club but as it was a lovely afternoon, we took the children out for half an hour before putting on the movie. This meant that the film finished just as the parents were arriving to pick up their children so it worked out very well.

It was great to go home and relax with Sophie but Mike had called to say that he wouldn't be back at college until about 8pm. Sophie had heard of a suspected terror attack in London but it turned out to be a false alarm, thank goodness, but this had held the college trip up as a couple of students had been caught up in it all. He eventually arrived back at about 8.30pm so Sophie and I went to collect him before finally getting home and relaxing!

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