Tuesday 31 October 2017

Alone on Halloween!

Keith and I took Mike to college this morning and then returned home for breakfast with Sophie who was working away in the conservatory. She has so much work to do at the moment but is certainly getting on with it and being very disciplined!

I spent a lot of the morning searching for a nice venue for afternoon tea with my Mum and Sophie next Sunday, as it's my Mum's birthday soon. I would love to have gone back to Fawsley Hall but I was disappointed with our experience last time. We were seated in a cold, bare room which wasn't what I'd had in mind as I'd pictured us sitting by a roaring fire in the main hall! I googled afternoon tea venues with log fires and looked as far afield as the Cotswolds! However, a hotel in Woburn sounded lovely, so I might choose that as the village is a lovely place to walk around and have a browse in the shops.

At work, it was so much easier finding things for the children to do and we could see exactly what we had to put out. We put lots of games and activities out, including a chessboard which kept us busy for the session. It was great talking to one of the girls who had just returned from Orlando and Naples and she loved talking about her holiday.

Most of the children were gone by 5.30pm and they were all very excited as most of them were going trick or treating. I returned home to find the house opposite decorated even more! There was a screen in the front window displaying scary pictures, a ghost by the front door and little red eyes peeping over the fence. It looked brilliant!

Keith and I enjoyed our dinner of jacket potatoes and then he took Sophie to a friend's house in Moulton as she was out for the night. He was going to the football and Mike was also out with his mates so I was in the house on my own. We had a few trick or treaters but there seemed less than last year for some reason and by 8pm it was all over. I can't say I enjoyed my night in on my own and I was very glad when Keith returned!

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