Friday 20 October 2017

Three day re-cap!

The last three days have been uneventful to say the least, so there's no point me trying to write about each day individually! On Wednesday I arrived at the school to find a photographer in residence in the hall! I'd forgotten that I was going to have my photo taken for the gallery in the reception area!

I joined the queue of children and when all the sibling photos had been taken, it was my turn. He took three and thankfully, didn't break the camera! Until he had cleared away all his equipment, we took the children outside to play. It seems hard to believe that once we return from half-term, we'll only have a limited amount of daylight.

I worked both Thursday and Friday in the contact centre, and to be honest, I'm struggling with the job. Not in being able to work my way through the different screens, but from listening to the queries on the phone and understanding what the customers are saying. I much prefer working with people face-to-face and some of the accents I listen to are very difficult to understand!

I woke up on Thursday morning with a terrible tummy ache and I just hope that I haven't pulled my stomach muscles again. I spent yesterday afternoon picking up a lot of toys in the playground and playing with a little girl who wanted to use the ten pin bowling game. so there was a lot of bending down involved!

On Friday Keith took me to work and when he arrived to pick me up, Mike was in the car wearing a surgeon's mask and cap...I wondered who on earth it was at first! He was off to a party in the evening and it was Fancy Dress so he'd been with Keith to buy a costume.

As it was the last day of school for a week, we only had a few children in and they were all gone by 5.30pm. I now have a week off the after-school club but I'm going in with Lisa on the 30th during the day to sort out the toy cupboard which is in an almighty mess, with most of the toys and games missing vital parts.

I drove home and fell asleep on the sofa for five minutes as last night I slept very badly indeed! I drove Keith to the pub, dropped Mike off in Brixworth at a friend's house and then went to get Sophie from work.

Just as we were finishing dinner, the phone rang and it was my Mum to say that she'd heard someone knocking on both the doors of the house and she was really scared. My Dad was out at his aeroplane club meeting so we dashed over to her house to investigate. There was no-one about but I did tell her it was a good idea to get an alarm fitted so she would feel safer whenever she was alone, which isn't that often, thankfully.

Back home, we washed up and then I snoozed on the sofa until it was time to pick Mike up from his party at midnight. By the time we finally got home, I was shattered!

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