Tuesday 17 October 2017

More annoyance!

As usual for a Tuesday, we had a busy morning doing some shopping for the rest of the week and running other errands. It was still a bit breezy but the sun was out and the sky was blue, so it was all good!

After having some lunch I swept up mounds of leaves from our back door - the storm of yesterday had swirled them around and as usual, we had loads and next door had none! When I got to work I discovered that the children had had an assembly in our hall which involved cooking food from around the world and inviting their parents in to help them eat it. The hall was a complete mess with several tables covered in food, used plates and bowls and cups of water everywhere. I assumed that Lisa and I would take the children into the library, but no...we were expected to help clear it up before we could start our session.

To say that I was furious was an understatement! Lisa was angry as well because the teacher who had arranged it all should have been the one to clear it all up, with the help of the children. She had disappeared back to her classroom leaving three pupils to help, but they were obviously disinterested in getting their hands dirty so I piled up all the mucky plates and bowls on the table nearest the door and started sweeping up. I was so mad!

Our poor children had to sit and wait for the session to begin and I was glad we only had a handful in today as there would have been a riot with our usual number! They kept asking what was happening and why they had to sit on the benches, poor things! Lisa did say to another teacher that it wasn't fair on us and that the assembly had been held too late in the day to make clearing up someone else's responsibility.

We escaped out into the playground and spent the majority of the session there, as the weather was dry and breezy. Tonight was a drop-in session for parents' evening so we had a fair few people wandering about...not the usual quiet school we normally have!

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