Wednesday 25 October 2017

Catching up!

Today has been an absolutely gorgeous day with plenty of sunshine, blue skies and warm temperatures. Summer is still here!

We dropped Sophie off at uni and then returned home where I caught up with some housework. Before it was time to go and get Sophie I wrote some more of my novel which I am really enjoying. Oh, to be able to do this full time and make a living from it!

In the afternoon Sophie and I went into town as we were meeting Gill from the CAB at 3pm, but I wanted to go in a bit earlier to say hello to Frank who I hadn't seen since about May. We called for a sneaky, naughty lunch at McDonald's and watched the hordes of people walking past the restaurant. Half term is in full swing and everyone seemed to be taking advantage of the good weather.

We had a great chat with Frank before going to Costa for a good old chinwag. Gill had just returned from a holiday in Tenerife and it was really good to catch up with her and hear her news.

On the way home we collected Mike and his friend Natasha from Brixworth. he'd been out since yesterday lunchtime so it was really time he was home!

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