Saturday 21 October 2017

Storm Brian...

The weather has certainly been interesting today with high winds from Storm Brian, but we did get plenty of sunshine, though. It's been a lot better than I expected!

We dropped Sophie off at work and then I spent the rest of the day doing very little as my stomach still hurts and it was great to just be able to relax. Now that I'm busier during the week, it's lovely to have the weekends off!

Mike was also at work today and Keith went to see Sileby play so I had the house to myself in the afternoon. I've started writing again and am planning on finishing a novel I started way back in 2003. It definitely needs updating to bring it more relevant to the way we live now and I'm really enjoying it. It takes my mind off the jobs I'm doing at the moment!

Mike wanted to be picked up early so we collected him and then drove to get Sophie. After dinner all of us were at home, something that's quite rare these days as Mike goes to one or other of the villages a lot to see friends. It made a nice change!

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