Sunday 22 October 2017

A trip down south.

Today I drove down to see my Aunt Pat with my parents and Sophie. The weather has been beautiful again and the high winds of yesterday have lessened a little. We set off at 9am and made really good time down to Worthing on the south coast.

My Aunt was much changed, which was very sad to see. Since her husband died almost three years ago, she's found it very hard to live life without him and when she came to the door to greet us, we were all shocked by how much weight she'd lost. The last time we'd seen her was last January (2016) and she'd lost weight then, but now she was much thinner and frailer. She was also quite deaf which made conversation very difficult. I think Sophie regretted coming with me but she was brilliant as she helped make lunch with my Dad. I was definitely glad she'd come along!

We stayed until about 3pm as the journey down took us almost three hours and I didn't want to be too late home. It was really sad to say goodbye to her and I had a horrible feeling that it would be the last time I'd see her. She's deliberating about whether to sell her lovely home and go and live nearer her daughter, but I think it's a bad idea. The stress and upheaval would be a bad thing, in my opinion.

The journey home was not so smooth and we were held up time and time again on the M25 because of the heavy traffic. It did give us an opportunity to watch the planes taking off at Heathrow, though, and I so wished I was on one and going off to the sun!

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