Monday 9 October 2017

New week, new job...

Today, all my poor husband has done has been to ferry all of us about! I was due to start my new part-time job today at Lings Forum at 8am, working in the contact centre and answering telephone calls. However, the woman who was going to be showing me the ropes had to take today off due to a family illness so I was asked to go in at 10am instead. Because of this we dropped Mike off at college and then drove to the Weston Favell Centre before Keith waved me goodbye and returned home, the arrangement being that he would pick me up at 2pm.

Sophie was supposed to have been having a driving lesson at 10am but this didn't happen, which annoyed her intensely, especially as she'd been up since 8am in readiness! Keith then took her to uni at 11.30am and went back home to sort out the washing and ironing before he left again to pick me up at 2pm. We then collected Sophie from uni and took her to work where she was going to stay until 6pm when I would collect her after my after-school job...phew!

Minutes after taking Sophie to work she called us to say that she wasn't needed, so could we go back and pick her up?! We went back to collect her and then headed home where I had ten minutes to finish the sandwich I'd been eating in the car before going back out to work again!

Keith then had to go and get Mike from college at 4pm! What a day! My new job was OK, but I was on Reception for the whole time, working - ironically - with a girl I'd employed when we had the business! I enjoyed meeting people and learning how the system worked and I even had a chat with my friend Lynda who attends the gym every day. She has managed to lose weight, bless her, and looked a lot slimmer. I'm hoping though, that when I return on Thursday and Friday I'll be in the office. I found the reception desk quite depressing and wasn't able to see outside at all, something I find quite hard to deal with. I like to know what's happening with the weather!

It was lovely at after-school club to be outside with the children for nearly the whole session and we had an enjoyable afternoon. The year 6 children are starting to make decisions about what secondary school they'll be going to and one particular girl was very worried about the choices she was having to make. She needs to be...the decision will affect the next seven years of her life!

Keith and Sophie walked up to meet me but we didn't go into the pub tonight. We're all trying to have an alcohol-free week although if my life continues to be this manic I might just give in and have a glass of wine before Friday!

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