Saturday 2 January 2016

Pottering about

Today has been another wet and windy day - will we ever get some cold and frosty days?

Sophie was in at work as usual and Mike went off to see Heather at 11.30am. Keith ventured out to the supermarkets while I stayed at home and did some cleaning. Tomorrow we're going to take down the Christmas trees and the decorations. It's hard to believe it's all over!

In the afternoon I did some research on my family tree. One of the things I promised myself after I stopped working was to go down to the library in Maidstone to look at the original parish records that I couldn't access online.

This afternoon I didn't achieve much, unfortunately, and I'm just going to have to resign myself to the fact that I'm not going to be able to find out information on some of my ancestors, which is a huge shame. I've got to stop thinking that my relatives from over 100 years ago weren't as methodical with record keeping as we are today and that there will be some people I'll never find out more about.

In the evening we had a delicious dinner of roast gammon and pineapple and then we settled down to watch a film called "The Loft" which was enjoyable and had a few satisfying twists and turns!

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