Monday 4 January 2016

Making preparations

After taking Sophie to work this morning Keith and I went to Jones's to get some essential things, including masking tape and paint rollers as I'm determined to make a start on decorating the living room this weekend.

On the way home we called in to see Mum and Dad for a chat and a cup of coffee, and then we made a start on removing all the pictures from the walls and I took all the china out of the cabinet that is definitely not going back into the room when we've finished!

I have four decanters that sit on top of the cabinet and they were covered in dust and were really grimy! I gave them a good wash and put all our Lladro figures on the windowsills in the conservatory. Behind the cabinet was all dusty and cobwebby as well so the wall got a good clean!

Mike was off school today as he had a training day and Sophie was at work so it still felt like a Sunday. It was only when Keith went off to the pub that I remembered today was Monday!

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