Monday 7 December 2015


As soon as I arrived home after taking the children to school and uni I swept up all the leaves which had gathered outside of our back door. The wind has died down now but Storm Desmond affected people in Cumbria very badly with some terrible floods which have left thousands of people with water in their homes.

While Keith put up our icicle lights on the front of the house I swept up yet more leaves from the front garden, ending up with a wheelie bin full of the bloomin' things. I would say that 98% of them were from other gardens which is a bit annoying!

When I finished it looked a bit tidier but I'm sure that all the work is in vain as more winds are forecast for the end of the week. I sometimes wonder why I bother!

As well as sweeping up leaves, I hoovered our garage and sorted out the rest of Mum's boxes which I'm going to take to her tomorrow morning. I then hoovered the downstairs of the house, made two bottles of Mulled wine and put away all the washing and ironing that Keith did. It's been a busy start to another week!

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