Sunday 13 December 2015

The mayhem that is Christmas...

Again, like yesterday, both Mike and Sophie were out all day today - Sophie at work, bless her - and Mike off to see Heather. He did say they both wanted to go and see my Mum and Dad so that was great. Things must be getting serious if he's introducing her to his grandparents!

I'd suggested to Mum that we go to Beckworth, but on reflection I decided it might have been mega busy as the ice-skating rink is in full swing at the moment. When I went to pick her up Mike and Heather were still there so that was lovely! My parents liked her very much so she's definitely got the seal of approval!

Mum and I went to the Wyevale Garden Centre at Wootton instead and I immediately wished we hadn't. The car park was full and the Costa Coffee outlet there was packed so we went to their own restaurant for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. The place looked like it had been used and abused by many, many people and there were no clean tables to sit at. The queue for the hot drinks didn't move at all and the staff behind the counter all looked very confused and helpless! We eventually managed to get served but there were no saucers and it all looked like they couldn't cope with the numbers who were in the restaurant as there was some sort of craft activity going on and I'm sure Father Christmas was in residence as well.

Today it would have been my Nan's 96th birthday and for the first time in ages we haven't made the trip down to Dartford. I felt a little guilty that we didn't go down and put some flowers on the spot where her ashes were scattered but I planned on lighting a candle for her later in the evening and she was very much in our thoughts today.

After an extortionately priced slice of Victoria sandwich cake and a cup of tea we had a mooch around the store and looked at all the decorations. I missed having Sophie with us as the last time we were here we were on the hunt for a November heart. Hopefully we'll get December's in Berlin!

Mum bought a little real Christmas tree to stand outside her front door and we decided to head home. By now it was dark and very foggy indeed. I took her home, trying not to think of the return journey I'd be doing in little under two hour's time to pick up the wee ones!

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