Friday 25 December 2015

Christmas Day

Well, it's been a lovely and very relaxing Christmas Day, much better than last year!

Keith and I were up fairly early and the children were awake by 8.30am. It was great to see them open their presents and they were both delighted with the stockings I'd filled for them. I do think they like these more than their main presents! I gave Keith and Mike money this year after the fiasco of last Christmas so they can both go out and spend the money on whatever they want. Sophie was thrilled with her lovely comfy pyjamas and her perfume.

I was also exceedingly happy with my Grey Goose vodka (now I know why Keith treated me to a glass in Berlin!) and a bottle of malt whisky. Anyone would think I liked a drink or two!

After clearing up I took Mike to Heather's house for a short while and Sophie and I went to see Mum and Dad to take them their gifts from Berlin. They were nicely chilled out and relaxed too, so after a quick glass of bubbly we said goodbye and looked forward to them coming over for dinner later in the day.

The weather has been horrible today with rain and winds so not the ideal choice for Christmas Day! As we neared home we saw Keith walking to the pub and I said I would collect him at 1pm. Back at home Sophie set the table while I tidied up and hoovered and then it was time to pick up Keith. I took my purse with me as I'd forgotten to buy a bottle of sparkling wine as an aperitif and I asked Ian in the pub if I could buy a bottle of Prosecco from him. He gladly obliged but said he would take the money the next time we were in, which was lovely of him.

The afternoon was spent relaxing and then it was time to get ready and put the turkey in the oven. Mum and Dad arrived at 5pm laden down with more presents which made the children very happy indeed! We spent a good half hour opening them all and watching The Sleigh Ride in the background. The scenery looked so beautiful.

Dinner went very well and Keith cooked it all on his own, bless him. It was really only a bit stressful as we dished up but Sue had lent me her hot plates so we were able to put food in dishes to keep warm. I asked everyone to help themselves to the meal in the kitchen as there was no way we could have put all the dishes on our table!

It all worked out really well and the food was delicious. Keith has also prepared brussels sprouts wrapped in bacon and dates in bacon and they were lovely. After the meal Sophie and I washed up and cleared away and then it was time to watch the last episode of Downton Abbey. Mid way through the programme we enjoyed a generous helping of Christmas pudding served with Brandy cream. Yum!

Mum and Dad left at 11pm and I finished clearing away before sitting down to relax. Phew! Another one over!

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