Wednesday 16 September 2015

Tropical Storm Henri

I made a start on the bathroom today as it was badly in need of a deep clean! While I was up to my eyes in cleaning cloths and bleach I heard Mum and Dad arrive so they gave me a welcome break from my chores!

I made them coffee and Sophie helped them check in for their flight to the US. We sat in the sunny conservatory and chatted before they left to go and do some urgent jobs before their holiday.

Keith returned from his walk and I gave Sophie's room a good clean, taking down her curtains to wash and dismantling her light shade which was covered in dust. Everything looked so much better when we put it all back and it was lovely and clean!

In the afternoon we went over to Tesco to pick up her new laptop and buy some essential ingredients for dinner. The promised rain had never materialised but by the evening, when we sat in the conservatory to play cards, the weather changed dramatically and the rain lashed down all evening. It was really cosy sitting at our table and listening to the rain pound on the roof. The evenings are really drawing in now and it's dark by about 7.30pm.

We enjoyed a really fruity curry for dinner...delicious!

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