Saturday 26 September 2015

Autumnal beauty

Today I was up early as Mum and Dad were returning from their holiday and I wanted to make sure I'd taken their fresh milk, bread and eggs around to their house before they arrived! They were arriving at Heathrow at about 6.30am and by 7.30am Keith and I had gone and bought their breakfast foods, fed the fish and turned the heating up! They said it was very hot in the US!

It was a gorgeous morning - slightly misty but with the promise of it turning out to be a really sunny, Autumnal day. Sophie and I went shopping in Market Harborough in the afternoon and even though my daughter had just been paid she didn't see anything she liked and spent the grand sum of £6 in Monsoon! I treated her to lunch and we had a good mooch around the shops but I'm trying hard not to spend any unnecessary money at the moment so we didn't dare venture into Duncan's this week!

Market Harborough was busy and bustling and there was a vintage sale on under the Old Grammar School...

We didn't stay that long in the town and returned home to get ready for Mum and Dad's visit. They came bearing presents (as always) and both children were treated to tee-shirts, Keith received after-shave while I was delighted with some perfume and chocolates! Wonderful! I opened a bottle of wine and we all had a good natter about their holiday which was an escorted tour. They visited Nashville, Memphis and New Orleans and had a lovely time.

In the evening we enjoyed roast gammon for dinner and Ocean's Twelve on the box. Perfect!

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