Friday 4 September 2015

Back to reality

Sophie, poor thing, was back at work today and she was a bit bleary eyed when I woke her up this morning!  We took her into work and then we sped home to make a list for the shopping...I was being allowed to accompany Keith!

I felt a bit strange today as for the first time in years and years, I wasn't being paid and it brought it home to me a bit how things had changed in my life. It wasn't really a good feeling and certainly not how I expected to be!

We did the shopping and then went home where I found a perfect job for Sophie - working for Virgin Active at their Collingtree site as front of house... I sent her a text but she didn't seem too keen!

In the afternoon we went to Mum and Dad's house to let the estate agent in as they had a viewing and have gone away for the weekend. We turned lots of lights on and when the people arrived we made ourselves scarce by sitting in the garden. It was a shame the weather wasn't more pleasant as the early sunshine had been replaced by heavy grey clouds.

When the estate agent had gone, we returned home before I went to pick Sophie up from work. I'd talked to Maureen about going in to have a chat so it was great to sit and see the staff for an hour and natter about how things were going with the new owners. They seem to have introduced some strict rules and certainly aren't as laid back and easy-going as we were. Perhaps that's a good thing but I'm not sure it was popular with the staff!

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