Sunday 6 July 2014

Garden delights!

This morning I decided to tackle the gardening as it was long overdue. I trimmed the front verge and tidied up the border, but the bushes have spread so much, there wasn't that much for me to do to be honest. I'll be really glad when the large Hypericum at the front has completely filled in all the gaps!

In the back garden Keith and I cut down two of our big bushes at the back by our fence which made them look a lot neater. Everything seems to have grown so much this year! The weather has been gorgeous today - nicely warm with a delicous breeze.

Mum and I went off to Beckworth in the afternoon for a cup of tea and a mooch to look at the plants. I managed to buy a few more - some geraniums and some very striking daisy-type flowers...

I couldn't resist them as they'll look great in some long troughs I have. I managed to avoid the temptation to buy some wine and we returned home with our purchases before I went to pick Sophie up from work. She said she was in urgent need of a Creamy Cooler so we went off to Riverside where I bought her the drink before having a quick look at the VW dealership. The place was closed so we didn't have any salesmen chasing after us and we had a look at two Polos. Keith came with us but then said he fancied a different make of car!

A very relaxed evening followed: Keith and I had a couple of games of cards in the conservatory with a drink and then it was a hot curry for dinner. Phew!

Below is a photo from Friday of Sophie enjoying her Caiprinha:

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