Sunday 27 July 2014

Champagne and caviar...

Well, this weekend has certainly been a sociable one! We don't often go out to parties but this weekend we've been to two!

We awoke to another warm and sunny day and the forecast rain never arrived. Before we had breakfast we went to get the newspapers and called in for coffee with Mum and Dad who were keen to hear news of Sophie. We told them she was feeling a bit homesick - it's a horrible feeling knowing that she's a bit sad and missing home and there's nothing I can do about it, except chat to her on the phone.

Back at home I washed my car as tomorrow it's booked into Chips Away for the bodywork repairs. It was more dusty than dirty but as soon as I applied water to the car it dried as it was so hot. I gave our poor thirsty plants a good drink as well and then went in to get ready for a drinks party we'd been invited to at lunchtime.

Rather than drive down to the village we walked which meant we didn't have to worry about having a drink or two. Our hosts were John and Sue and they have the most beautiful house with gorgeous gardens. When we arrived my heart sank a bit as we didn't know a soul (except our hosts!) but everyone was very friendly and we had a lovely time. I drank Champagne throughout and John made sure that my glass was never empty. We ate some delicious canapes (one little bite-sized morsel was a new potato topped with sour cream and caviar) and the food was very good. I'd like to try out a few of the recipes as they're perfect for a drinks party.

We were very pleased to see Graham and Nancy arrive (they live a few doors down from us and have a beautiful dog, Dennis) so we had a great chat with them. It was a perfect afternoon - some very friendly and chatty people, gorgeous surroundings and sublime weather. John has an ample wine cellar and we got chatting to one man who was a friend of Tony Laithwaite, whose surname is synonymous with wine!

Graham and Nancy very kindly drove us home and then it was time for me to iron all our bedding and put it back (not a good thing to do after several glasses of Champagne!). When I finished I did allow myself a nap on the sofa!

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