Thursday 27 February 2014

Paying the price...

I'm sure I've said this before but I sometimes think that if you get away with doing something that is out of the ordinary (when you really should be doing something else) then you end up paying for it. There's a very good scene in the film, The Slipper and The Rose, where the Fairy Godmother steals a bit of magic to enable Cinderella to go to the Ball, and I'm sure this is true of real life, too, where you borrow a few hours of pleasure, only to repay them back at a later date.

Yesterday Sophie and I took off for an hour and went to Beckworth where we enjoyed an hour of sitting in the sun and meandering around looking at delicious foods, so today I just knew I would pay the price. We had an appointment at 3pm at Kettering General Hospital's eye clinic to try and discover what had happened to Sophie's eyesight on Sunday night. I really didn't want to have to drive all the way back to Northampton to go back to work, but I just knew that I would end up doing just that as Polly was unable to get anyone else in to help with the two parties we had...

Luckily, I picked Sophie up at 2pm and we drove over to Kettering with lots of time to spare as the queues for the car park were horrendous. We waited ten minutes to park before making our way to the eye clinic which we'd spotted from the road. We didn't have to wait long to see the doctor who gave Sophie a thorough eye examination. She then put some drops into Sophie's eyes to make her pupils dilate followed by another examination. She even asked the senior doctor to have a look but they both found nothing wrong at all, which was a huge relief. She said that sometimes the "jelly" in the eyes can move about but there was nothing to worry about at all and her eyesight would return to normal.

Sophie's eyesight was a bit blurred after the drops so I called Polly to see if we were really needed at work, and unfortunately we were...there's no way of getting out of paying for the little bit of fun we had yesterday, and it was significant that we were driving over the Holcot roundabout at the same time today to go back to work, as we were doing it yesterday to go home!

I spent two hours at work washing up and clearing up after customers and by 6.30pm I was shattered. It's not often I'll admit to feeling tired, but with this cold hanging on I'd had enough. We went home, had a quick drink and after dinner I went straight to bed. I couldn't keep my eyes open, not even to watch the latest episode of How I Met Your Mother!

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