Saturday 22 February 2014

Alarming symptoms, Part One

Today started off OK, despite the fact that I awoke at 5am. Still, it was lovely to watch the sun rise and it looked to be a beautiful day. I did want to go somewhere to get away from the house and have some fun with the children (they've both worked really hard over the last week) but my plans were definitely thwarted!

Sophie woke up and said she didn't feel very well. She still had a terrible back ache which was accompanied by a bad headache, stiff neck and a temperature. During the morning she didn't seem too bad so Keith and I went out to get my car valeted and to buy some descaling solution for my coffee machine (I don't know how I contained my excitement!). While we were out she felt sufficiently better to call and ask us to get her something to eat so we treated both children to a KFC lunch, which went down extremely well!

Over the afternoon, Sophie felt worse and her temperature rocketed to almost 40 degrees so I was a little alarmed. I decided to call NHS Direct as she was still complaining of a stiff neck, terrible headache and a sensitivity to light, all the symptoms of the dreaded meningitis.

Eventually we had someone call us from NHS Direct who advised us to go to the Out of Hours GP surgery in Kettering. She mad an appointment for us for 5pm and we drove over there at once. We'd never used this service before but it was easy to find and had plenty of parking so I was impressed!

We didn't have to wait too long and over the last hour Sophie had felt better. When the nurse took her temperature it was back to normal and after a thorough check-up it was decided that she had a viral infection, probably picked up from one of the hundreds of customers she served last week. We talked about meningitis but the nurse said that her symptoms would have worsened, not improved so at least my mind was put at rest!

Back home I was at last able to relax and have a much needed glass of wine!

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