Wednesday 5 February 2014

Normal service resumed...

Things were back to normal today, thank goodness! Keith came into work with me as he usually does on a Wednesday and then it was off to the gym afterwards for a much-needed workout! I did all my usual weights plus thirty minutes of exercise on the cross-trainer, treadmill and bike.

Afterwards I went off to the spa and had a blissful half hour of wallowing in warm water and sweating it out in the steam room. Sophie was with her friend Laura so I had a very relaxing (and peaceful!) time!

Back at home Keith had cooked a roast dinner and it was heaven to sit down all together and have a meal. We were watching a recorded programme of The Bridge when the phone was the alarm people.

The alarm was going off and even though they had called our security company who were first on the list, we had to go in and check that everything was OK. It was a very windy night and we discovered that the alarm had gone off because of an interior door moving in the draught.

I hated being in the building - the noises from the roof were horrible and I really did think that someone was still in there. Thank goodness Keith was with me! I would never have gone in on my own!

By the time we got home it was almost 10pm so we decided to leave The Bridge until another time and just watch the news until it was time for bed!

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